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We are a “Not for profit” organisation with a training arm that teaches the retrofit construction industry how to reduce energy use in existing buildings and reduce carbon emissions – thus saving the planet from overheating.
Our building is unique in that we, in essence, have NO energy bills and are almost self-sufficient and carbon free. Many organisations seemed to be quite concerned about their own green credentials and carbon foot print, when holding conferences, meetings, seminars etc.. and do love to use our facilities. Not only because of our facilities but for what we stand for. CLASS-LEADING AUDIO VISUAL (AV) All rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art smart screens allowing you to present, edit and interact using touch-screens. CLOAKROOM AND RECEPTION FREE WIFI Fully inclusive service for all organisers and delegates. FREE CAR PARKING For 40 cars on-site with free overflow parking for 100+ just three minutes walk away. TELECONFERENCE FACILITIES Use our teleconference facilities free for UK calls.
Meeting rooms
In the table below, you can hover over the underlined room names to see a photo of that room.
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